European leagues & cups

internationale_ligen bosnien kroatien serbien slowenien ungarn belgien luxemburg schweiz oesterreich tschechien polen frankreich niederlande rumaenien deutschland portugal spanien italien griechenland tm_sm_israel bulgarien ukraine tuerkei russland daenemark schweden nordirland irland england schottland tm_sm_island finnland norwegen albanien zypern estland weissrussland slowakei lettland litauen wales georgien faeroeer malta armenien aserbaidschan moldawien tm_kasachstan tm_mazedonien tm_kosovo Montenegro Gibraltar Liechtenstein San Marino Andorra

European leagues & cups

This overview lists all European leagues and cup competitions. For each competition, the table lists the number of participating clubs, the number of players, the average age of all players, the percentage of players on loan from other countries in the respective country and the total market value of all clubs in the competition. By clicking "Forum", you can access the forum for the corresponding country.

CompetitionCountryClubsPlayerAvg. ageForeignersGame ratio of foreign playersGoals per matchForumAverage market valueTotal value
Moldova615024.838.7 %39.5 %2.87€4.64m
Moldova818924.432.8 %27.9 %3.00€3.70m
Albania1024924.834.1 %34.3 %2.28 Forum €4.33m
Estonia1025023.519.2 %25.6 %2.84 Forum €2.47m
Faroe Islands1025124.917.9 %26.8 %3.18€1.26m
Lithuania1025225.242.9 %50.3 %2.07 Forum €4.27m
Andorra1025727.476.3 %81.0 %3.17€2.28m
Georgia1025824.432.9 %35.5 %2.52 Forum €3.89m
Malta826028.718.5 %34.8 %3.01-
Montenegro1026525.817.0 %16.6 %2.46 Forum €2.52m
Wales1226626.537.2 %36.8 %2.95€1.17m
Armenia1026925.649.1 %54.4 %2.79 Forum €4.17m
Azerbaijan1027126.744.6 %56.5 %2.62€8.02m
Slovenia1027324.644.0 %43.0 %2.81 Forum €6.66m
Latvia1027623.038.4 %41.9 %2.53€4.11m
Croatia1028625.332.5 %33.1 %2.66 Forum €23.37m
Kosovo1028725.233.1 %31.3 %2.40€3.34m
North Macedonia1228926.128.7 %32.5 %2.25 Forum €3.90m
Ireland1029224.331.5 %36.3 %2.18 Forum €2.59m
Gibraltar1129427.455.8 %64.8 %3.39€1.07m
Northern Ireland1229826.521.5 %20.4 %3.08€2.37m
Bosnia-Herzegovina1230626.540.5 %46.2 %2.78 Forum €4.89m
Iceland1230825.614.9 %18.8 %3.23 Forum €2.10m
Scotland1231026.864.5 %66.8 %2.66 Forum €27.69m
Slovakia1231325.841.9 %36.7 %2.78€6.75m